

Blagoveshchensk is a city in Russia, the administrative center of Amur Oblast, located 7,985 km east of Moscow.

There are 11 institutions of higher education, 15 colleges and 26 schools in the city.
There are several big enterprises in the city. The main industries in the town include metal and timber processing, as well as paper production.

Blagoveshchensk has extremely continental climate with monsoonal features which result in great temperature fluctuations. Summer is hot, rainy with much sunlight. Winter is cold, dry with little snow cover. Temperature record was registered on 25 June 2010 when the temperature rose to +39,4 °C.

The average annual temperature is +1,2 C°

The average annual wind speed is 2 metres per second.
The average annual air humidity is 67%

Cities of training
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  Mr. Karwan H.F Jwamer
   Kurdistan Region -Sulaimani-Iraq
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    P.O.Box 442