
Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University

Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (ETU) founded in 1886 is one of the oldest higher education institutes in Saint Petersburg. The University is a leader in the study of the fields of radio engineering, telecommunications, control processes, computer engineering and IT, electronics, biomedical engineering, management and linguistics.

During the years of its work there has been taught more than 70 thousand people, among them 3 thousand foreign students.

In early 90s the Institute launched new fields of study - humanities and economics. In 1990 the International School of Management was established, in 1993 the Faculty of Humanities was opened and in 1999 the Faculty of Economics and Management was organised.

In 1992 the institute was given the status of the university.

The teaching staff numbers about 1100 people among which there are 130 professors, 170 Doctors of Science and more than 700 candidates of Science. There are 17 laureates of national and international prizes.

Education and Methodics Association in the sphere of automatics, electronics, microelectronics and radio engineering was founded on the basis of the university.

Today there are more than 8000 students at the university.

ETU collaborates with more than 30 universities in Asia, Europe and America; traditionally it is the organizer of international scientific conferences.


  • Faculty of Radiotechnics and Telecommunications (FRT)
  • Faculty of Electronics (FEL)
  • Faculty of Computer Technology and Informatics (FCTI)
  • Faculty of Electrotechnics and Automatics (FEA)
  • Faculty of Instrument-Making, Biomedical and Ecological Engineering (FIMBEE)
  • Faculty of Economics and Management
  • Faculty of the Humanities (FH)
  • Open Faculty (OF) -- evening and instruction by correspondence
  • Faculty of military education (FME)
  • Faculty of retraining and the raising the level of skills

Cities of training
  "Our representatives"

  Mr. Karwan H.F Jwamer
   Kurdistan Region -Sulaimani-Iraq
        Tell: +07701428111
    P.O.Box 442