

Kaluga is a city in Central Russia, the administrative center (since 1944) of Kaluga oblast.

The population of the city is 327 650 (year 2010 results).

Kaluga is known for the fact that from 1892 to 1935 there lived and worked an outstanding inventor and theorist of cosmonautics Konstantin Tsiolkovskij. There is The museum of cosmonautics in the city.

The climate is moderately continental, winter is snowy and cold, summer is warm and rainy. The climate of Kaluga is like that of Moscow.

The average temperature of July is +17-18 °С, of January -9-10 °С

The annual precipitation fluctuates between 365 and 100 mm.

During the Soviet time about 90% of industrial enterprises of Kaluga worked for defence industry, supplied amoured units, air defense artillery, aerospace forces and navy with a high-technology equipment. There are many factories functioning in the city such as The Kaluga Automobile Electrical Equipment Plant, The Kaluga plant "Remputmash", The Kaluga transport machine building plant and others.

There are 15 branches of the institutions of higher education, 13 colleges in Kaluga.

Cities of training
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