

Kemerovo is the administrative center of Kemerov oblast. It is the second populous city in the region after Novokuznetsk.

More than 100 years enterprises of coal-mining industry work in the city. There are also enterprises of chemical industry.

The city was founded in 1918 under the name Shcheglov (later it was called Shcheglovsk). In 1932 Shcheglovsk was renamed into Kemerovo.

The climate of Kemerovo is extremely continental. It is like that of other Siberian cities in the same latitude.  Winter is cold and prolonged; summer is short, warm and wet.

The average annual temperature fluctuates between - 1.4 °C and +1.0 °C.

The average temperature in January is -19,2 °C, in July +18,6 °C.

The population of the city is 521 200. There are 15 institutions of higher education in Kemerovo.

Cities of training
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