

Krasnodar is a city in the south of Russia, the administrative center of Krasnodar krai. The population is 744 900 (17 place in Russia)

It was founded in 1793 and was given the status of the city in 1867 (it was Ekaterinodar until 1920).

Krasnodar is situated in the temperate zone. Summer is hot; the highest possible temperature can reach 40-41 C°. Winter is mild. The lowest temperature ever recorded was -33,7 C° on 23 January 2006. The annual average air humidity is 71%.

The most developed sectors are power, machine building, instrument making, metallurgy, oil, space and light industries.

Krasnodar is a big educational center. There are 30 institutions of higher education, 8 postsecondary institution and several branches in the city.


Cities of training
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