LipetskLipetsk is the administrative center of Lipetsk oblast. The population is 508 100. The climate is moderately continental. Winter has a steady snow mantle. The average temperature of January is -8°C. Summer is warm with average temperature of July +20 °C. The average annual precipitation is 500mm (maximum is in July). The main enterprise of the city is Novolipetsk metallurgical manufacture. Besides the developing industries are machine building, chemical and light ones. The main part of higher educational institutions is situated the regional center; totally there are 21 institutions of higher education (3 state universities, 1 municipal institute, 2 private institutions and 15 branches) in the oblast. There are more than 30 000 students studying in the state universities. |
Cities of training "Our representatives"
Mr. Karwan H.F Jwamer |