Rostov State University of Civil Engineering![]() Rostov State University of Civil Engineering is the institution of higher education in Rostov-on-Don. RSBU dates back to February 1944 when Rostov Civil Engineering Institute was opened. By order of the Ministry of Common and Vocational Training of Russian Federation the Institute was assumed to the University in February 1997. The University has trained more than 50 000 civil engineers, architects and economists during its activity. About 600 post-graduates and doctorates defended their thesis successfully. Over 1 500 specialists including 52 Candidates and 2 Doctors of Technical science have been trained in RSBU for 57 foreign states. Nowadays more than 6 000 students and about 200 post-graduates get education at 5 Institutes of the University. Highly qualified scientists with international appreciation conduct a professional activity at 45 chairs of the University. 13 academicians, 15 corresponding members and councilors of Architecture and Construction Science Academy, 8 Honoured Scientists of Russian Federation are among them. More than 75 per cent of the staff possesses the scientific degrees, including 18 per cent professors, Doctors of Science. There are libraries, sport halls, and sport-sanitation complex at the Black Sea coast, a dispensary and three student's hostels at the University. LIST OF SPECIALITIES:
Cities of training "Our representatives"
Mr. Karwan H.F Jwamer |